How To Clean Your Yoga Mat - Cuccio Somatology

A question we get all the time from students, studios & gyms.
“How do we clean our yoga mats?”
Elle Magazine wrote a whole article on how dirty our yoga mats are really. Read the full article here.

An enviromentally friendly sanitizing mist spray that extends the longevity ofyour yoga mat and helps create a more balanced and uplifting yoga experience.
All Natural Yoga Mat & Fitness
Equipment Spray + Wipes
- Rids yoga mats & tness equipment of bacteria & germs
- Natural Ingredients & Essential Oils: Witch Hazel, Eucalyptus & Aloe Vera
- Used by yoga studios & gyms worldwide - Natural, No Preservatives, Clean Scent
2 oz. #14001
8 oz. #14002
32 oz. #14003
GALLON #14009

- Natural
- Vegan
-Animal Cruelty Free
- Eucalyptus (natural antiseptic) scent
- Cost effective (beats any other yoga mat cleaner on the market)
Shop here.
Enjoy and happy cleaning! <3
"Cuccio Somatology’s Yoga Mat Cleaner is the best for all fitness equipment cleaning purposes… Oh, and did I mention that it also can clean your kitchen counters and homes too?! For all you moms out there! I have been using it to clean my baby’s high chair! I love that it can be multi-purpose and makes cleaning a bit more relaxing with the spa-smelling scent."
I basically spray it down and then use a wash cloth to wipe it down. It dries super fast so you can use it before or after yoga!"